Embark on a Journey of Transformation at IMAGINECON23: Rotary District 3272's Spectacular 3-Day Conference of Change, Inaugurated on 7th to 9th March 2023, at the Exquisite Peshawar Serena Hotel
Imaginecon23, a three-day conference, took place at Peshawar’s Serena Hotel from March 17-19, 2023. Johrita Solari and her spouse Bruce (Rotary International Vice President 2022-21), member of Rotory International polio plus committee, Vice chair polio plus USA advocacy task force, and member of polio plus grants committee, attended conference.
Imaginecon23 was a dream of IPDG Adnan Saboor Rohaila. He wanted to have District Conference to be held in Peshawar, just as they did it in Peshawar in 2005.
CDG Rauf Rohaila and his conference committee have worked to ensure the highest standards for the conference, where Rotarians can enjoy great fellowship and exchange ideas while displaying their projects..
Rotarians have done grand projects in all the Areas of focus and polio. We emerged as a United Nations and Rotarians were not behind in helping the affected people and areas in the wake of devastating floods. Rotary International has established the Rotary Pakistan Flood Fund, which is a great initiative to contribute to the funds for benefitting the communities. The district received disaster grants worth almost US$125000/-, which will construct Rotary Smart villages that are friendly and self-sufficient. This will have an impactful contribution to our communities after the eradication of polio.